Happy Losar, or Tibetan New Year!

Happy Losar, or Tibetan New Year! 
We will be celebrating during normal meditation hours on Sunday, 2/14 beginning at 11 am. 
Here is A Brief Introduction to Losar, Tibetan New Year from the Central Tibetan Administration. 
You may notice that article was written in 2020, the year of the Iron Mouse – 2021 is the year of the Metal Ox!
Barley or wheat on your altar symbolizes good harvest for the New Year.
To prepare your altar, 1 week before Losar soak 2-3 tsps of wheat or barley grain in water to begin germination.  Once the grain begins to germinate, drain the water and place germinated grain on top of soil in a small flower pot, then keep in warm temperature.  By Losar, it should be 4-5 inches tall.
For those local, Geshe La will have Barley sprouts ready for curbside pickup up (along with his homemade Tibetan cookies!) at his home on Sunday 2/7 after meditation, 2-4 PM.  A small donation is suggested. Please let Geshe la know ahead of time to get the count for the cookies.
Other items to incorporate on your altar for Losar to show appreciation for the richness Tibetans have introduced into our lives, hope for their liberation, and the wholesome prayer for longevity for the Dalai Lama include: fruit, flowers, the 8 auspicious symbols, and other offerings.

Losar is also the time to hang new Prayer Flags!
(also available for curbside pickup on Sunday 2/7, from 2 – 4 pm. ) If you order online, please make a note about Sunday pickup.

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