Workshop on Death and Dying, Sept 26

I am very happy to let you know that I will host an evening workshop on Death and Dying on Thursday, Sept 26 from 6:30-8:30 with Paloma Landry presenting.  The workshop will be at our home at 2000 E Country Way in Fayetteville.  I know this is a topic that is partly taboo in our society, but something that is creeping into conversations with increasing frequency these days.  The workshop will include vital, meaningful discussion and provide useful tools that you can take home. There is no charge for the workshop.  

Here’s a little blurb on the workshop and on Paloma:

“What could be more meaningful than planning for the end of your life?  Paloma Landry says planning for death is an act of kindness to our loved ones and the very foundation for peacefully navigating the final chapter in our lives. Paloma is an interpreter of the Tibetan Language and has been translating for teachings on this topic for 16 years. She also conducted over 20 workshops across the U.S. and Canada on death and dying, encouraging people to plan in order to reduce stress and suffering for everyone at the time of passing. This workshop covers a wide range of of topics, from spiritual to practical components such as having the conversation and advance care directives.”

I have known Paloma for many years and have attended one of her workshops.  It was awesome and I encourage you to attend if you can. The workshop is free of charge. Please RSVP if you plan to attend.  You can email me at or call at 501/940-9244.  Feel free to share this with those you think might be interested.

Take care, Sandy